Loneliness carries the weight of metal chains. It is loud and catastrophic, yet silent and suffocating. It leaves trails of disparity, depression and unstable emotions. Loneliness leads to isolation with lingering frustrations that creates an emptiness that the earth can never fill.
Loneliness is a mindset or a sense of void. Being alone and experiencing loneliness are distinctly different; while one is a state of being (alone) and the other (loneliness) is developed out of a position of despair and separation.
Being alone does not influence an urge to replace or fill a space. An alone space is not a burden or a frustration. Have you ever seen an individual sitting on a park bench alone or someone gazing at the ocean as the waves ripple back and forth. Their space is fully occupied and complete with their own thoughts and imagination. Adding another person to their space can instantly crowd their contentment. In addition, adding individuals to a person's alone state is not a necessity to function or find joy.
Loneliness is a result of disparity, it's a state of mind associated with feelings of separation. Being alone or feelings of loneliness are two different conditions. An individual can be alone and still be content. Loneliness can be linked to severe sorrow with feelings of not being wanted or abandonment. The scripture states, he was lonely and afflicted; therefore, associating loneliness with pain or hurt. Maybe you have experienced a loss of a love one or a broken relationship that has left you painfully alone.
Loneliness focus is to mimic lost love while leaving you dangling over what was. It leads to feelings of isolation, regardless of one being in the presence of others. Every wound within our soul can be use to manipulate, distract, or detour us from our purpose. Unresolved loneliness can lead to depression; therefore, it is best to lay all our concerns at the feet of Jesus. The issue is, we go to God with an expectation that He will change a situation to align with our will. We must be willing to accept what God allows and respect the choices that others have made even if their choice is not in our best interest. Since we know that loneliness is a mindset that suggests we should isolate ourselves from everyone else or we have isolated ourselves to hide from the issues within our heart. God tells us that there is no condemnation common to man; meaning, you are not the only person who has endured that hardship.
Therefore, we must speak life and cast down all thoughts of isolation and loneliness. As I stated earlier, loneliness can lead to depression. The enemies desire is to take any situation that has caused some sort of devastation in our life and drive it until he can separate you from those that love you, including God. If you are having thoughts of loneliness and isolating yourself from everyone, do know those thoughts are from the enemy. No matter what the outcome of your situation, be encourage, there is something better waiting for you along the way.
If you remain in this isolated mindset you will never reach your new destination. Life has many ups and downs, although there is always a road in front of you to proceed forward. Shake off any thoughts of loneliness and replace them with God’s truth then come out of the mindset of isolation; destiny awaits you!
~ My Passion Confessions
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