Life is what it is and can be inconsistent in many ways. Although, if we are going to succeed or advance in life, we must become proficient in our ability to leap beyond our insecurities! There are no promises for us to have a "perfect" or uninterrupted life.
There's a song that say, "He never promised that the road would be easy..., but I don't believe he brought me this far to leave me!" We are certain in life to encounter circumstances and obstacles on our life path. However, I believe God uses those situations to build character, strength and faith in us.
Many of the challenges we face are not always from outward experiences but are self-inflicted. We fear, when God has not given us the spirit of fear. We doubt, when we have seen and experienced God's amazing ability to make a way out of nowhere! We count ourselves short or consider ourselves to be unworthy based on the world values. Although we know God has told us to trust in Him with all of our ways and lean not unto our own understanding! We make changes to our body because we deem our appearance to be unacceptable based on the world's view of beauty; while ignoring God's truth that we are made in the image of Him while being fearfully and wonderfully made!
Insecurities flourish because we lack confidence in ourselves and God! We must first learn how to accept who we are along with the image we display to the world. As for myself, being of dark skin tone was a challenge for me growing up. I allowed the world's view and name calling to tell me that my skin complexion was not accepted. It wasn't until God whispered to me that I must love the image that I reflect to the world! As a little girl, God opened my eyes to my self-image and self-worth! As He restored my self-worth, I began to adorn and embrace my own appearance. The cruel words of the world became more distant and less effective! God revealed to me, loving myself first will silence the naysayers and illuminate His voice! Even today, the words of strangers are invalid up against my beliefs!
As I stated earlier, insecurities flourish because we lack confidence in ourselves and God. They create roadblocks and act as a barrier to prevent us from flowing in authenticity! Every component of who we are is relevant to fulfill destiny! As we learn to live beyond the world's definition of who's accepted, we can bypass many self-inflicted insecurities that we become hostage to. I encourage my children to embrace who they are even if their skin is darker than most! When you love you..., they will accept what you love about yourself! Be the first to broadcast your self-image!
If you're tall or short, thick in all the right places, have a wide or long nose, short kinky hair, dark skinned, light-skinned or have facial blemishes...., embrace all of you! We are all unique and individualized for a reason, so why try to replicate a reflection that is already in existence? It's not about being different..., it's about being your authentic self!
~ My Passion Confessions
** Grab your child the complete set of my self-esteem series called Zada Nicole! Collect all three copies!
Beauty Comes in Shades of Me!
Amazing I Am! Amazing I Be!
Naturally Me ad Afro Fabulous!
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